To Save on Car Repair: “Act quickly if your car begins to make any strange noises or a warning light appears. This can prevent further damage and expense. If something goes wrong with the car, start by looking beyond the obvious. Ask yourself logically, why this or that doesn't work. Sometimes the car won't start because the battery contacts are corroded or a wire has come unsoldered. I don't want to be accused of sexism, but it really is better to have a man take your car in to the mechanic. There is a higher respect level among men and their mechanics. It's just one of those guy things!
For whoever takes it in, it is extremely helpful if you can identify the problem before seeing the mechanic. The mechanic will think you know something about it, even if you don't and might be less likely to take advantage of you. So act smart even if you haven't much of a clue. Getting a meter that allows you to diagnose your car’s computer is invaluable! Maybe you or your husband can take a course in auto mechanics. It is well worth the time and money even if you never do any of the work yourself.”*
*From Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood (full of unique money saving hacks)