Learn How to Barter

“…Don't forget bartering.  Though there are official bartering clubs, informal bartering often takes place in churches and other groups.  We used to have a baby-sitting co-op.  That's a form of bartering and saved lots in baby-sitting money...If you know someone who can repair appliances and your husband is a plumber, you might suggest a trade.  Everybody wins.  Cal purchased some lights for one of his projects by helping a guy repair his car.  Cal knows about cars, but he wasn’t a mechanic.  Bartering works!”* #barter #savemoney

 *From Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood  (full of unique money saving hacks)

 Books Available at: https://www.amazon.com/author/jeannegormick.com

Jeanne Gormick