Pre-Owned, Used, Secondhand Savings

“Thrift, resale and consignment…Visit on a regular basis to check out new merchandise as it comes in.  Get onto email lists, so you'll know when a sale is coming up.  Watch for broken buttons or zippers and decide if they can easily be repaired.  Pass it up, if it looks too difficult to fix.  Don't forget that items such as strollers, playpens, with car seats, toys, etc., need to be checked to be sure all the moving parts work correctly and that they meet current government safety standards.  For safety reasons purchasing new simply makes more sense, especially in car seats.  Some automotive stores and hospitals have great prices on them and don't forget to check your wholesale outlets and the Internet… 

(Cautions) If you are buying anything from a second-hand store, take the same precautions you would at a garage sale.  Unlike garage sales, consignment stores sometimes offer lay away plans.  Be sure to check it out.  Consignment shops offer an opportunity not only to purchase, but also to sell or do a little of both!...  There are tremendous bargains to be had around every corner.  You just need to know where to look. ”*  

#savemoney #thriftshop

 *From Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood  (full of unique money saving hacks)


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Jeanne Gormick