Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood! - Why You Should Stay Home

The following is an excerpt from the book Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood! by V. Jeanne Gormick.

In The Working Mother's Guide to Sanity, Elsa Houtz reminds us, that "what we are doing is important because God has given us the task of preparing a new generation for life." 

Raising our future leaders takes men and women who will seek the Lord to help them with their families.  It takes an act of will to make our homes into sanctuaries of the Lord.  We must be diligent in our walk with God.  It was only through my own search for the Lord and then growth with Him that produced the family we have today.

Keep in mind that parental rule in the family is actually a symbol of God's authority.  "If children are not taught to obey their parents, they often find it difficult to obey God.  If their rebellion is not curbed early in life, they will continue to rebel against all authority.  Children must have their will broken, but not their spirit." If children are left to their own, they won't accept God's authority in their lives.

There are other important reasons to consider how your children will be raised and by whom.  A Guidelines for Living article on marriage issues the following warning to parents, "Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, a noted authority on family living, sees a definite relationship between juvenile delinquency and troubled behavior among children, and an absent mother whose presence is taken from the home because of her job."

Evaluating The Real Cost of Returning to (or Remaining at) Work:  Remember that things like work clothes, cosmetics, hair/nail care, dry cleaning, transportation, eating out, purchasing convenience foods, child care, etc., all reduce your income.  Your tax bracket may also change, taking a huge chunk out of your hard-earned income.  Your family may even be denied certain home loan programs or college scholarships for your children because of your income.  Qualifying income amounts do not always reflect your usable "take-home" pay.  These loans and scholarships can add up to thousands of untaxed dollars.  Then, there is the unknown cost of lost nurturing to your children.  It might surprise you that your final salary isn't really worth the price. 

Find a calculator online to help you determine if you can afford to give up your job and stay home to raise your own child.

One Mother's Story:  This young mother went through a struggle similar to mine.  She says it best, 

"My husband had always been used to me working and bringing in at least as much money as he did.  It was very strange, though, that we never had anything to show for it.  This is when I learned that it isn't how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you have.  I really struggle a lot because I had been used to having my own money to spend.  I was afraid to let my husband be in control of the finances.  I didn't feel that I could trust him.  What I didn't realize was, that by having a job and taking care of the money, I was robbing him of his self-esteem.  I wasn't letting him be the head of the family.  I had to learn to be content where I was and let God take care of my needs.  I realized that if we could not live on what my husband made, we were living beyond our means."

The Truth About Working Mothers:  The Working Mother's Guide To Sanity by Elsa Houtz has important gems of wisdom for working mothers, but her common sense attitudes are valuable for all mothers.  Stay at home moms, mothers with a homebased business, mothers working outside the home, single moms, married moms, mothers of just one child and mothers with many children all face stress and pressure in rearing their children.  Houtz makes a good point.  "... the expression 'working mother' is so odd.  Being a mother is work, period.  It's happy work, sad work, satisfying work, exasperating work, tiring work, energizing work--but it's definitely work."

I think Houtz's comparison between the woman's job at work and her job as a mother is interesting.  "Of the two, the one for which we receive a paycheck is probably the easier one.  The rules are pretty clear.  There's someone there to tell us how to do the job.  We know what time to show up and when to go home.  When we make a mistake, we find out right away, and there are ways of gauging how well we're doing; we don't have to wait 15 years to find out whether we did a good job or not.  Either we get a raise or we don't.  Either the contract is renewed or it isn't.  Either our annual review is positive or it's not.  Pretty simple compared to motherhood, isn't it?"

I know this had a lot to do with my decision to run away to the job market and then to start my own business.  It was clearly an attempt to escape from motherhood.  Houtz goes on to explain the reality of an outside career, "The perks, the strokes, the recognition, and the paycheck can all be awfully appealing, especially on a day when your 13-year-old daughter says she hates you, your dog has to go to the veterinarian, and the plumber has had the water in your house turned off for two days.  Motherhood is not an easy job; in fact, if you're like (Houtz and me), your job outside the home is probably infinitely easier and more manageable than your job at home."

I love this gal!  She confirms what I've been saying all along...relax.  "Let's be more reasonable about our expectations of ourselves.  If we know there's no way we can pick up that suit at the cleaners, let's say so and make some other arrangement.  If we snap at a child or spouse, let's apologize to them and then forgive ourselves, knowing it's bound to happen from time to time.  If the house isn't straight out of Better Homes and Gardens all the time, so be it.  Let's set some priorities we are comfortable with and stop criticizing ourselves for our failures."

Houtz has a chapter entitled, "The Three G's: Guilt, Guilt, Guilt."  She explains them as "I-Should-Be-Doing-Something-Else Guilt"; "But-I'mSuperhuman-Guilt"; and "No-Win-Guilt."  

Sound familiar?  As I said, you don't have to be a working mother to relate to her book.

Continue Reading Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood!

Stop Doing Things The Way Others Do!
Stay at Home Parenthood is Awesome!

Stay at Home Parenthood is Awesome!


Blaze your own path!

Are the values you hold as a parent important for you to pass on to your children?

Let’s explore the importance of values.

“Values are very important in parenting since they deeply influence all behaviors and attitudes and effect our decisions and relationships.” 

The Center for Parenting Education - A resource to help parents do the best job they can to raise their children


“There are two ways that families influence values and expectations of their children: directly and indirectly. Parents directly teach their children values. ... Children watch their parents interact with others, make choices and determine right and wrong for themselves, and this impacts how they develop their moral self.”

How does family influence values and expectations? | eNotes

 If your children are being raised by someone else, they are watching those people and will develop lifelong values learned at the hands of others.

But if children spend more quality time with you, you have a much better chance to instill your precious values in your own children.


Are you or your spouse tired of the corporate world?

Do you dislike your boring 9 – 5 job?

Are you ready to be different and make a big difference for your family?

If you are concerned that dropping down to a single income will make this impossible, check out Quit Your Job! You Really Can Afford Stay at Home Parenthood where I share my best money-saving tips and suggestions for possible homebased business ownership. 

You really can live frugally and thrive and continue to live the comfortable lifestyle you desire for your family with the tips, tricks and simple ways to save money and make money which are included in this important resource.

These tips are proven!

Or consider my Group Mentoring Tribes where you can collaboratively explore options to chart a new path for your family. With the help of others within either a Stay at Home Mom or a Stay at Home Dad Tribe, you can discuss and consider solutions for better family management. They become a Board of Directors for your family! Encouragement and accountability abound in these groups.

Participants are led by a talented, experienced facilitator to allow everyone to share and have a voice.

Find out more at www.jeannegormick.com.

Jeanne Gormick
How To Remain Professional From Your Home Office

Suddenly Doing Business From Home!!!!

Suddenly Doing Business From Home!!!!

How To Remain Professional From Your Home Office

We are experiencing a very different season right now because of the Corona Corid 19 Virus. Everyone around the world is isolating within their homes.  Children and animals are suddenly under foot, while parents try to work from home. I hope I can make a few helpful suggestions to help you get through this very difficult time.

You need to find a place to create your workspace. Suggestions for setting up a home office on the fly includes looking for the quietest place in your home. Some quick ideas might include emptying a closet, laundry room, storage room, garage or basement or even using an extra bathroom as an impromptu office! 

This is only temporary, so be creative. 

If it’s impossible to avoid the shouts of children, barking dogs, shrieking birds, flushing toilets and what-have-you; and you absolutely must make phone calls, consider going outside and away from these noises. Avoiding phone calls and using texts and emails is the first solution.

However, remote online meetings can be a different story.  While muting a microphone can help if you are not hosting a meeting, things are different if you are actually trying to host it. As the host, it might be helpful to schedule the meeting at the same time that kids are doing their online school or schedule the kids’ school time around your meeting. 

Spouses, older siblings and others in the household can help you, too. You might even be able to send “the noise” outside! But always remember to train your children to stay 6 feet away from others when they go outside. You might send them outside with some sort of adult supervision, if possible. Keep everyone safe!

As crazy as this seems, those of us who are used to being homebased in our businesses all recommend that you get up and get dressed just as if you were headed to the office.  This will help you psychologically prepare yourself for your workday.

Overall, this is a very difficult time for everyone, so I think most people will be tolerant if they do happen to hear some strange workplace noises.

For further suggestions please take a look at my recently released book See Dick and Jane Start a Homebased Business, now available on Amazon.com. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B085XQSP2K&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_tILHEbDKJCYED I hope you find it helpful.

If you just have questions, please visit my website at https://www.jeannegormick.com and click on the Free Consultation button.  I would be happy to help you get through this in any way I can. I raised 3 kids in a homebased office environment, so I might be able to help.

Everyone stay safe!

Survival Techniques for Kids While Sheltering in Place
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If you are a parent who NEVER planned to homeschool or be a stay at home parent, everything has changed with Covid 19 (the Corona Virus.)  But you know that already!

I have seen co-workers scrambling to get childcare or trying to figure out how to effectively work from home.

I wanted to help everyone in some small way as we are facing a new world. 

So, I consulted my grandkids for their ideas. I did some research and this is what I came up with. I sincerely hope you find it helpful…

For the littles, I’d start with this fun recipe for flub, AKA slime! My kids made it way back in preschool.          

  1. Put cornstarch into mixing bowl.

  2. Begin adding water slowly.

  3. Optional: Mix in glitter for a colorful craft.

  4. Mix with hands until the mixture is smooth.

  5. Continue adding water until you have achieved your desired consistency.

  6. Store in a plastic bag or airtight container.

Another great idea, which my kids always loved doing, was building forts in the living room.  Give them all the sheets and blankets you can find and enjoy their creativity. You can give them a deck of cards or age appropriate board games.  Older kids can read to younger siblings inside the forts with flashlights.

Some other ideas for them:  Play Simon Says or I Spy; write letters to grandparents or other relatives; play dress-up;  make a sock puppet;  make-up new rules to an existing game or make up their own;  bake something; help make meals; or have fun making dessert for dinner. My mother would occasionally make strawberry shortcake for Sunday supper.

If cabin fever can’t be avoided, it’s OK to go outside. So take a hike; make sandcastles at the beach (6 feet away from one another); take a road trip with food inside the car; lay down on the ground and watch the clouds; walk the neighborhood; watch birds; have a backyard picnic; grow something;  ride a bike (without getting too close to friends); blow bubbles; paint rocks; wash cars; have a water gun fight; or as a twist, offer to walk a neighbor’s dog!    

Whatever you end up doing, take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your kids better and just enjoy each other.

To avoid boredom in your teens, there are so many things that you might even have fun doing too. Once they have finished their online homework, then go ahead and give them unlimited access to their electronic devices.  I’m the first one to emphasize discipline, but these are extraordinary times!

My granddaughter suggested Snap Chat which is great for making funny faces to share. Tik Tok allows them to make videos. If they are very social Houseparty Face Time works for sharing with up to 8 friends. They might already know about these, but if not you can become their hero!

My grandsons love to play Fortnight and my son gets involved in it too.  Though it can be addictive, we have to make allowances, since we really have no idea how long this season will last. Though we are all going to need to recover from being extra close to our families, I’d like to think that this will bring our families closer together too.

I hope I’ve helped at least some of you that everyone stays healthy with safe sanitary practices and this difficult season is over soon.

Is A Homebased Business Right for You?
Homebased Chiropractor Office.jpg

My Mother in the Early 20th Century Outside My Grandather’s Homebased Office

Today 50% of all businesses in the U.S. are homebased and having a homebased business is certainly enticing for many reasons, but let’s see if you will find success with a business in your home.

Some businesses are certainly more conducive to being in a home environment than others. Factors like having customers coming and going or having employees could make being homebased impossible. Cities and neighbors usually discourage this for various reasons.

In my soon-to-be released book, See Dick and Jane Start a Homebased Business, you will find several details to help decide whether or not a homebased location is right for you.  It also provides a step by step method to set up and run a successful operation from your home.

Lets view some things to consider. These include being personally disciplined and being able to set effective boundaries for yourself, your family and your friends and neighbors.

Since family may be one of the main reasons you are thinking of a business in your home, let’s explore that first. Your family must be behind your decision. A supportive spouse is also critical to business success.

Do you have children? Depending upon their ages they can be trained to respect your business needs.

When our kids were old enough to answer the phone, we had so intimidated them that they refused to touch the business phone. Cell phones and texting are really helpful these days.

Depending upon the business, you might even be able to hire them to help in the business. Our kids were very active in our family FUNdraising business from a young age.

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Daughter Julie and Son Todd Helping Their Dad Identify Winning Bidders

After the birth of our third child, I hired a gal to do light housecleaning and get the baby when he woke up.

If you start when they are young, they will grow to understand the difference between Mommy time and business time. If you can effectively schedule your work hours, even family chaos can be controlled. Balance is the key. Plan to spend undivided, quality time with family (even if you have to schedule it) and they will respect your dedicated business time.

My first homebased job was making evening market research calls. My husband would put the kids to bed, so I could work for a couple of hours each night.

Family is probably the most important thing to consider before branching out.

Though your family needs to respect your business time, you must also set some personal boundaries.  You must learn to set household chore boundaries.  Basically if you treat your work hours as you would for any other job, you will be successful. Leave your office work only for short breaks and meals. Learn to ignore vacuuming, laundry, dishes piling up, etc. and don’t go watch TV in the middle of the day!

It is probably important to evaluate your personality at this point. Are you an effective time manager? Can you set goals and accomplish them? Can you overlook the household responsibilities that you see when you take your break?  If this is a difficulty you may not be a good candidate for a home office.

 Location of your office is also an important consideration for many reasons. There may be tax advantages based on it’s location and usage, but be sure to get advice from your tax professional before going further. As I understand it, if your office is never used for any purpose other than for business you should be fine.

As the kids grew up and needed their own separate bedrooms, we moved the washer and dryer to the garage and my office was located in the 8 x 10 laundry room for years. It was even featured in an article in the local newspaper.   

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Wherever you locate the office, lack of privacy can become a problem. Household noises, interruptions and family demands may need to be addressed, since it is very important to present a professional image. Ringing doorbells, barking dogs, fighting kids, etc. are not conducive to that professional image. However, once these things are handled I personally think a home office is far superior to being in a company cubicle.

Other ways to improve your professional image include changing the statements you make.  For instance, instead of saying, “I’ll call you when I get home.” Try saying, “I’ll call you when I get back to the office.”  It is the subtle things that will make the difference. If brochures and collateral will be used be sure they are of the highest quality possible. Also dress for success.  Even if you won’t be seeing clients on a particular day, it will help your professional image attitude if you conduct office business in something other than your bathrobe! It’s a psychological thing.

Feeling isolated can sometimes be a problem. Though you may be behind a computer most of the time, Playing background music can help. You will probably have to do some sort of marketing to bring clients to the business. If that’s the case, joining a Chamber of Commerce or Business Club will help with isolation, improve your professional image and your business will grow.  If most of your business is done on the computer, occasionally take your laptop to a coffee shop for a change of scenery. Once you have thought through these considerations, you can begin to acknowledge the many benefits of a home business.

For a start you can…

* SAVE ON EXPENSES by no longer commuting and eating lunch out

* SAVE TIME by not commuting, giving you more time with family and friends


* LOWER OVERHEAD - no additional rent, utilities, internet, etc.

Once you understand the disadvantages and advantages of owning a homebased business, you are ready to successfully proceed.

Jeanne Gormick
Which Gate Are You Walking Through?

Wide Gate Versus Narrow Gate

Wide Gate Versus Narrow Gate


Scripture speaks of the narrow and the wide gates.  In Matthew 7:13. We are warned to  

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to

destruction, and many enter through it.”

I know each of us can think of plenty of people entering the wide and far easier gate to get through!

But, I believe, as Christian business women we need to be the best representatives of Christ that we can be. That is one of the reasons I started Lydia’s Daughters©. 

Certainly, we are there to support one another and our business endeavors, but I believe that we have an even more important role as Christians on the frontlines of business. 

We are called to be influencers for Jesus.  As Christians, all eyes are on us anyway; so we might as well strive to walk our Christian walks in the best way possible.

Together, at Lydia’s Daughters© gatherings, we can learn from each other and be supported by each other at the same time. 

It’s just what women do!

Therefore, I am pleased to announce that I am opening 2 Lydia’s Daughters© mentoring groups in Orange County, California.

We will have one in North County in the Orange area and one in South County in Laguna Niguel. Because I have no plans to leave my career, these meetings must be in the evening.

I urge you to contact me ASAP as each group is limited to 10 women from different industries.  We only have a few open spots in both groups.

Please respond today to the “Free Consultation” button for more details. 


Jeanne Gormick
Starting Place: What Are You Spending Today?
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Dream of quitting your job to stay home with the kids? The first step is understanding your expenses. The second? Seeing if your family can cover them comfortably on just one salary. Remember, the more accurate the information you enter, the more confident you can be about the results. * Not sure what to put in each slot? Click on the ? for tips. If something doesn't apply to you, go ahead and leave the field blank.

Your Income

Step 1: Enter Your Monthly Income

Your after-tax monthly income:

Your partner's after-tax monthly income:

Total: This is your after-tax (net) annual earnings now

Step 2: Enter Your Potential Stay-at-Home Monthly Income

Your after-tax work-at-home monthly income:

Your Expenses

Step 1: Enter Your Monthly Home and Living Expenses



Car Payments



Insurance premiums

Other household bills combined

Debt payments

Contribution to retirement funds account (e.g. IRAs) outside of those automatically deducted from your paycheck

Contribution to college funds

Dinners out, take-out, movies, other entertainment

Emergency fund for unexpected expenses (car or home repairs, etc.)

Total: This is your total yearly outlay for basic living expenses

Step 2: Enter Your Monthly Childcare Expenses

Childcare expenses incurred by working

Total: This is your total yearly childcare cost

Step 3: Enter Your Monthly Work Expenses

Commuting expenses

Lunch/snacks/coffee/after-work drinks out

Work clothes

Dry cleaning

Total: This is your total yearly work cost

Step 4: Enter Any Other Annual Expenses

Yearly vacations

Holiday and birthday gifts

Beauty and family upkeep

Clothes (non-work related)

Child-related expenses

Medical expenses not covered by insurance

Gym/club membership dues

Everything else you spend money on

Total: This is your total yearly extras cost

The History of FUNdraising
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Have you seen the bumper sticker - "Fundraisers are asking for it?"  Well, they are...and they have been for a long time!

 From the NY Public Library's annual dinner that raised $2.8 million last year to the thousands of dollars raised by service club rubber ducky races or all-you-can-eat contests, fundraising efforts produce much needed funds to continue important programs and causes. 

 Here are just a few of the possibilities:  Food Events, Fashion Shows, Dance/Balls, Goods and Services Auctions (our specialty), Product Sales, Event Sales, A Night at the Theatre, Carnivals, Trike, Bike or Jog-a-thons, Newspaper Drives, Recycling, Celebrity Events, Contests, and Golf or other Sports Tournaments...

 Busy volunteers in organizations around the world are always asking for it!

 From major campaigns like the United Way, the American Cancer Society, Muscular Dystrophy and others...

 Fund Development professionals around the world are asking for it, too!

 Have you ever wondered how fundraising got started in our country?

 Probably the most basic grassroots event efforts took the form of a bake sale or a quilting bee at a local church.  And certainly, it must have been the Catholic Church that took fund development to its height centuries ago with planned giving programs.

 I'd like to share some interesting fundraising history facts.

 The American Society for the Control of Cancer (now the American Cancer Society) was founded in 1913.  Originally begun by the medical community, over the years they began to turn to lay leadership and using volunteers.

 Corporate giving in the 20's and 30's typically went to community chest and causes of the Great Depression.  Corporate giving shot up dramatically after WWII from $266 million in 1945 to $20.77 billion in 2017.

 In 1938 the March of Dimes was considered the most successful mass campaign to date.  It was started in the early 30's by President Franklyn Roosevelt.  His "Birthday Balls" raised more than $1 million.  When they began to involve the Hollywood community, things changed dramatically.  Comedian, Eddie Cantor, is credited with renaming the campaign "The March of Dimes".  In an offhanded remark he suggested people just send their dimes directly to the White House.  Hence, "The March of Dimes".  The response was so overwhelming that White House staffers were opening daily loads of dimes instead of performing their regular duties.  $268,000 in dimes was received in that first campaign.  The program moved quickly to the streets...out of the White House.  Movie stars made pitches in theatres and cans were distributed everywhere.  A creative idea took place in the 1950 drive, where people left porch lights on for 1 hour to make it easy for volunteers to make collections.

 World War II perfected fundraising techniques in many other ways, too.  The YMCA, YWCA, the National Catholic Community, the Salvation Army and the Jewish Welfare Board joined forces to form the National United Welfare Committee to finance activities in communities hard hit by the war.  These efforts led to another organization known as the United Service Organization for National Defense, Inc. or USO.

 The Red Cross brought experience, imagination and polished performance to the art of raising money in 1945.

 The need for fundraising drives became apparent, so united funding programs sprouted up everywhere.  Los Angeles was the first community to adopt the name United Way in 1963.

 This eventually paved the way for payroll deductions of charitable contributions.

 The first united fund for colleges started in the Black community in 1944, to support Black colleges.  This program is now known as the United Negro College Fund.

 In 1954 a matching gift program was begun by the General Electric Foundation.  Today there are more than 1,000 companies with established programs that match employee gifts, mostly to colleges and universities.

 Advances in technology are rapidly creating additional changes to fundraising.

 The 1980's exploded the concept of planned giving, though as I mentioned before, the Catholic Church had been doing it for centuries.  The first formal, broad based marketing of a planned giving program took place at Pomona College in the 80's.

 Telemarketing also began in earnest after WWII.  But it wasn't until 1977 when William Freyd of IDC in Bloomfield, New Jersey developed a more personal combination of direct mail and telemarketing follow-up that led to extremely effective telemarketing for the raising of money.

 Telethons started with one for Muscular Dystrophy in the early 1950's.

The War Bond drives of WWII eventually took to the airwaves with celebrities making appeals for contributions.  Little did they know back then that today's fundraising technology would eventually include the cyberspace airwaves of the Internet!  Today most service clubs, churches, schools and other grassroots organizations have a web presence. 

 Moving to events-oriented fundraising...

 San Francisco's first Black Tie Dinner Dance for charity was held in 1954, benefiting the California Pacific Medical Center.  Since then, they've taken their efforts to new heights. They have now developed partnerships with other medically-oriented causes, like the Betty Ford Center to support the needs of the local community.

 Creativity has always been the key to good fundraising whether it be a corporate entity lending its support to a worthy cause or simply a bake for the local PTA.

 As we enter a new decade, there is continued need for effective fundraising. Your programs and causes are important! For this reason, I am sharing my years of expertise to support your grassroots FUNdraising efforts. By applying the techniques larger organizations have used over the years, your volunteers can also grow to do their best too. They can become increasingly effective in achieving the financial goals and program objectives you have.

 If you’d like to know how to put the FUN back into your FUNdraising and make more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible.

Ask for Free Consultation Today!

A newsletter is coming…