Which Gate Are You Walking Through?

Wide Gate Versus Narrow Gate

Wide Gate Versus Narrow Gate


Scripture speaks of the narrow and the wide gates.  In Matthew 7:13. We are warned to  

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to

destruction, and many enter through it.”

I know each of us can think of plenty of people entering the wide and far easier gate to get through!

But, I believe, as Christian business women we need to be the best representatives of Christ that we can be. That is one of the reasons I started Lydia’s Daughters©. 

Certainly, we are there to support one another and our business endeavors, but I believe that we have an even more important role as Christians on the frontlines of business. 

We are called to be influencers for Jesus.  As Christians, all eyes are on us anyway; so we might as well strive to walk our Christian walks in the best way possible.

Together, at Lydia’s Daughters© gatherings, we can learn from each other and be supported by each other at the same time. 

It’s just what women do!

Therefore, I am pleased to announce that I am opening 2 Lydia’s Daughters© mentoring groups in Orange County, California.

We will have one in North County in the Orange area and one in South County in Laguna Niguel. Because I have no plans to leave my career, these meetings must be in the evening.

I urge you to contact me ASAP as each group is limited to 10 women from different industries.  We only have a few open spots in both groups.

Please respond today to the “Free Consultation” button for more details. 
