Do You Feel Like The World Is Against Your Marriage?

My parents weren’t happy about my choice in Cal, but as stated in my book Your Treasured Marriage (see the book tab for more info):

“The greatest blessing I have enjoyed from being a part of Cal’s wonderfully close-knit, family is their sense of family. They showed me how to have a close family. My desire to join an ethnic family through our intercultural marriage turned out to be a good choice.

 I learned what Genesis 2:24 meant firsthand by leaving my father’s home to become one flesh with my husband. This has given me the freedom to grow into the woman of God he wants me to be … but it has not been easy.”

 Maybe this devotional can help you:

Us Against the World: Our Secrets to Love, Marriage, & Family: Day 1 • Devotional

 #marriage #relationships

Dating Someone New…Do A Background Check Now!

You are not invading his or her privacy. You are protecting yourself and your family.

 Here are our top picks for background checks for dating: Which Is Best For Your Needs?

#backgroundcheck #safety #dating

Is Your Husband Driving You Nuts?

Here’s my story - from my book Your Treasured Marriage (see the book tab for more info):

“His health problems led to his battle with depression and that changed him too, but he remained the same caring, sweet man somewhere way beneath on some days and close to the surface on others. He changed, but our commitment to one another didn’t.

 I found online that there could be medical reasons for the emotional changes I began seeing in Cal. It became obvious why he was sometimes a “grumpy old man.” This helped me understand him better—at least in theory!

 Admittedly, sometimes the frustration got to me though.”

 Maybe this can devotional can help you:

Love Your Husband Challenge: Day 1 • Devotional

#husbands #wives #marriage

Suggested Dating Questions

These are from licensed professional counselor, Dave Gutknecht, Denver, CO. They can give your first date communication somewhere to start…

 1.    What kinds of things do you think about as you go about your day? Or during your idle time?  

 2.    What do you do during your free time? 

 3.    Are you involved with any community volunteer organizations? 

 4.    What is your favorite bible verse? 

 5.    When you pray do you read prescribed prayers or are you a spontaneous prayer warrior? 

 Depending on the answers follow the flow and ask other questions that come to mind. #datingquestions #dating

Dave and Chrissy Gutknecht

More Resources For Adult Children Caring For Aging Loved Ones

Let me share our experiences - from my book Your Treasured Marriage (see the book tab for more info):

 “So, given Dad’s recent history of falls, cognitive deficit, and his need for 24-hour care, we decided it was time for a permanent move to the Assisted Living Community. This provided us peace of mind, so we began preparing him for the move.”

As we saw my Dad decline, we focused on resources like these. Hopefully, they can help you too.

Helpful Government Resources

Administration on Aging

Americans with Disabilities Act National Network – Make sure your elderly parent is receiving all the benefits available. This site has a comprehensive Benefit Finder tool that provides information on federal, state and local programs across different agencies.

Department of Veterans Affairs

Eldercare Locator

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Medicare – This is the site for the federal health insurance system for elders and those with certain disabilities. Along with information about obtaining Medicare, you can find information for family caregivers.

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Supplemental Security Income

U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives

#aging #aginglovedones

Did You Have A Fight?

Is there constant conflict in your relationship?

Let me share from my book Your Treasured Marriage (see the book tab for more info):

“We struggled for several days to understand each other’s hurt. Cal was falling apart and blaming me for his misery in the marriage. I knew that since he was struggling to find his own career direction, it was difficult for him to watch me grow in my own home-based business venture.

It was obvious I had to learn ways to become his best friend again. Things like not fighting over the unimportant stuff, working on not being so selfish, having more excitement before going on a trip, and being more spontaneous (and joyful) about planning BBQs and picnics. He shared that he felt taken for granted and unappreciated.We struggled for several days to understand each other’s hurt.

Cal was falling apart and blaming me for his misery in the marriage. I knew that since he was struggling to find his own career direction, it was difficult for him to watch me grow in my own home-based business venture.”

This might help you…

 Love After Marriage: Steps to Reconciliation: Day 1 • Devotional

 #marriage #reconciliation #forgiveness