Helping you succeed in business: 10 Tips for Success and 10 Traps to Avoid


Today I decided to share info I heard from JJ Richa, Business Consultant with Orange County SBDC.  

 Tips for Success:  

  1. Have a passion for what you do. 

  2. Project honesty, trustworthiness, and work ethic. 

  3. Be flexible, nimble, and stick to your core values.

  4. Don't be afraid of failure and don't let it hold you back. 

  5. Make timely decisions and don't miss on opportunities. 

  6. Take care of yourself as you are the major business asset. 

  7. Believe in yourself and the success of your company. 

  8. Be tenacious but know when to quit or when to continue. 

  9. Accept criticism and admit your mistakes. 

  10. Rebound quickly from setbacks or falls.

 Traps to Avoid:  

  1.  Business Plans are for Dummies - statements like this hinder your success! 

  2. My products/services are so great; everyone will love it - not usually the case! 

  3. If I build it, customers will buy; no need for marketing - are you certain? 

  4. I don't have any competitors - think about it, maybe there is a reason for it! 

  5. I have more features than all the competitors combined - Simple sells! 

  6. I'm the first mover - concentrate on differentiating yourself from the rest instead! 

  7. I don't have to risk my own money; I'll use other people's money - no skin in the game! 

  8. Me, Myself and I - keep your ego aside and concentrate on making money! 

  9. I'm small and nimble for the big guys to keep up with me - Really? 

  10. Major clients will sign contracts as soon as we open doors - Don't bet your life on it!


Jeanne Gormick