Are You in a Co-Dependent Relationship? Signs to Watch for in Yourself and Your Partner

Examine yourself and your partner for co-dependent characteristics.

Many of us grew up in households with issues that were covered up by co-dependency to keep the peace. This is not a healthy example of a successful love relationship, though it is a coping mechanism implemented in many relationships.

The five core symptoms of codependency are low self-esteem, people-pleasing behaviors, difficulty setting boundaries, caretaking, and dependency. How does a codependent person act? A codependent person may act submissive, needy, clingy, or try to control others to feel secure in a relationship.

If you sense that co-dependency could become an issue, perhaps counseling will be helpful as your relationship is becoming more serious.

Here’s a Codependency tool Watch this video if you are a helper and you came from a dysfunctional family. Play it several times if needed.

Ask yourself why are you a helper or caregiver? Is it for the person I am trying to help? Or is it for me? Am I trying to find validation? Or am I truly doing it to help expecting nothing in return?

What happens when people you are helping do not say thank you, they do not show appreciation in any way? In fact what happens when they show disdain for your helping?

What deep inside you is your feeling? Are you angry? Or are you at peace, satisfied and fulfilled?

Just some thoughts. Share this with your partner.

Jeanne Gormick