10 Ways to Support Your Local Community AND Promote Your Business
Sponsor a community youth sports team and splash your logo and company name on uniforms and signs on the field. (Things are opening up, so grab your opportunity now!)
Join a local service club and become very active in your volunteer efforts.
Offer to sell tickets for a nonprofit organization and be sure your name, company, phone and sometimes address appears as a supporter in their publicity.
Offer to be a drop off point for programs such as "Toys for Tots". Encourage nonprofit organizations to use your premises for things like car washes and give them quality signs to advertise it.
Donate something to a nonprofit cause and ask to be recognized as a donor. (Fundraising events should begin again soon.)
Participate in discount or coupon programs that bring in new customers, especially those benefiting nonprofit causes.
Look like a "good guy" -- offer a percentage of your proceeds to a specific nonprofit cause and insert details about the program in all your ads and publicity. (NOTE: Our company supports BridgeofHope,Inc.)
Offer yourself as a free public speaker for local service clubs and other organizations in need of speakers. (This makes you a respected expert in your field.)
Look for innovative ways to improve your community. In California our state highways authority (Cal Trans) allows companies to sponsor a section of highway to keep it free of litter.
Let nonprofit groups distribute flyers about their organization or an upcoming fundraiser or, better yet , put one of their flyers in customer's packages as they leave your store. Also let organizations place their posters in your window.