We support Bridge of Hope

Bridge of Hope’s National Mission is to engage Christian faith communities in ending family homelessness through neighboring relationships that demonstrate Christ’s love.

You Can Help Make a Difference in Ending Family Homelessness, Too.

Today,  20 Bridge of Hope locations are active in 12 states across the country.  After 30 years and national growth, Bridge of Hope’s mission distinctive remains the same: engaging Christian faith communities in ending and preventing family homelessness through neighboring relationships that demonstrate Christ’s love.

Because not all moms will be able to stay at home or start a homebased business, we have chosen to donate a portion of our proceeds to help these homeless moms and their kids.

Because not all moms will be able to stay at home or start a homebased business, we have chosen to donate a portion of our proceeds to help these homeless moms and their kids.

I’m also a host for Host Israelis
